A few hours ago, Yale changed the process of authenticating authenticating to their VPN. If you were using the openconnect CLI, this might make it impossible for you to sign in using the VPN. In this post, I show how to use the python openconnect-sso package, which is a wrapper around openconnect, and will allow you to use the new web-based SSO.

Here’s a quick (albiet slightly clunky) way to use the openconnect-sso package to connect to the VPN. I’d be interested to hear if there’s a more secure, vetted, or easier process to do this. If you know about one, please write to me, and I’ll share it here. Additionally, I am sure that Yale will or may already have distributed instructions for the best way of connecting to the VPN on Linux, I’ll make sure to link to them when I find them. In the meantime, this fix should allow you to quickly connect to library resoruces or compute clusters.

Step 1: Install openconnect-sso

First, you have to install the package. If you’re on Arch Linux as I am, you can install using yay or another AUR helper.

yay -S openconnect-sso

If you aren’t on arch linux, you can also install this using the package and it’s dependencies very easily using a virtual environment:

python -m venv vpnvenv
source vpnvenv/bin/activate
pip install openconnect-sso
pip install PyQtWebEngine
pip install pyqt5

Please beware that you will have to source the virtual environment by typing souce /pathtovenv/bin/activate in the future when you want to use the openconnect command.

Step 2: Run The Command

This part’s easy! Use the –server flag to pass the VPN endpoint, access.yale.edu

openconnect-sso --server access.yale.edu
